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Website Development Checklists Everyone Should Know

Website Development Checklists

Website development is not easy, and not anyone can perform this because of its technicalities. It needs more discipline tasks than any other job to be done. Developing a website for the better of the world requires more concentration and wisdom. A simple and mobile-friendly website requires a checklist of duties that have to be done accurately. A checklist of duties can be the most influential organizational tool to perform their duties on time with more accuracy and conciseness. In this article, we will talk about some of the best checklists that should be in the knowledge of everyone.

What is Website Development?

Website development refers to the actions associated with developing a website hosting or domain through the internet or intranet. This process contains web design, client-side or server-side scripting, and the protection configuration, among other associated tasks.

Website Development Checklists

The development of a website requires certain tasks to be performed on time and accurately. The list of these certain tasks is called the website development checklist. Here you will get an idea of a website development checklist:

Cascading Style Sheet

A website should attract audiences’ attention and provide a user-friendly interface to the users to make them daily visitors. Implementing cascading style sheets (CSS) innovatively helps a website attract the attention of users and audiences. It also aids websites in maintaining a good reload speed rate to enhance user experience. The gathering of customers on a website depends upon how attractive its pages are. CSS has the ability to divide the colors, headers, and footer. It is not only useful in dividing things but also keeps everything positioned and aligned. An accurate and strategic use of CSS can bring life to your website and help you to attract potential site visitors.

Back End

The back end of any website is related to stored data at the backside of the site, which is invisible to website visitors. The front end catches data from the back end to display on the browsers. The stored data must be secured enough by using some security protocols. Security measures need to be taken to prevent data leakage, breaches, and issues related to data security. Improper back-end infrastructure can cause a major cyber attack. There are three things that the back end relies on.

Server: The server of a website handles incoming requests and responds to actions or sends the right data.

Application: It aids the server in understanding responses to actions and incoming requests. It also has the ability to understand the logic between the front and back ends of websites.

Database: The database stores various types of data in a machine. It is also called a building block of a site.

Deployment and Performance

A deploying process is when a website moves from the local environment to the live server. The deployment team ensures that the loading speed of the website should be less than 4 seconds. If not, then the website could have a negative impact on viewership. It should perform its tasks when a huge traffic lands on it and must not remain unloaded and hung. These are the main factors that need to be in consideration while deploying a website. In addition, its performance in loading web pages requires it to be effective and contain relevant content that provides information. All the containing links must be working properly to keep engaging the visitors.


Security should be the main concern of the website, no matter which niche is relatable to the website. Where there is no security threat, that website provides more services than those with some security holes. These types of websites generate leads to business growth and improve conversion rates. You must deploy security layers to protect your websites against malware vulnerabilities.

Secured Socket Layer: It must be in your use if your website stores sensitive users’ data, such as input, link banking, or credit card details.

Anti-malware: Anti-malware has the ability to solve cyber threats and also protect against malware attacks and viruses.

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization is used to get a better rank for a website using keywords. The website can get a better rank by the quantity and the quality of the content that is published by that site. The unpaid, organic searches depend upon the keywords used in the content to drive a potential audience to the site. When someone searches for a certain topic, search engines show up with all existing websites that have information about that searched query. Instead, the most relevant website ranks and gets the first position to influence and deliver a solution to that query. Therefore, it is essential to publish quality content that has the ability to attract an organic audience and drive conversion rates.


Web development checklists are the most essential elements in performing a web development task. It is not a cup of tea for everyone because of its technicalities and difficulties in performing certain tasks simultaneously. You can easily develop a website development checklist by following these tips, including influential segments like search engine optimization. Site security should be your concern, and a cascading style sheet will be helpful for you to design your website in an innovative manner. All the aspects of developing a website are discussed, and you should follow them all to make a website that can change individuals’ life.

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