Do you want your creatively written and unique content to go viral or simply want to boost your blog traffic?
If yes, then you have landed on the perfect platform because we have listed some proven content promotion tactics to get more people to share your blog posts.
A well-written article full of amazing and useful information for readers is not going to get the appreciation it deserves until there is a good number of shares and audience engagement.
Check out and implement the following tricks in your content creation strategy to get more shares for your blog posts and to get quality traffic quickly and effectively.
Ways to Get More Blog Post Shares
1- Create Appealing Headlines
The headline of the blog post should be attractive enough to grab the attention of readers and to make them excited to read and share, too. Don’t try to over-promise in your headline just to make it attractive as it can end up with a higher bounce rate when people will not be able to find stuff in the article which was mentioned in the headline.
Starting blog post titles with ‘how-to’, ‘an ultimate guide’, and ‘ways to’, etc. are the best ways to attract readers to click the link and read the entire article. Also, promise your readers exactly what they will get after reading the article. Several online headline generators are also available on the web that can make your job easier.
2- Compelling Blog Content
Great and quality content is one of the vital elements of effective content marketing success. Compelling articles written with the right keywords will vividly skyrocket the number of blog post shares. The content of the blog post should be relevant to its headline in order to make readers stay longer on the blog.
When the headline is fascinating and the content is compelling too, you are more likely to get more people to share your blog posts. Problem-solving and informative content always get more social media shares than any other type of content because the majority of people search the web to learn things and to improve their knowledge in specific fields.
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3- Make your post Easy to Read and Digest
Long paragraphs are always boring and difficult to digest as well. People scan content to find out exactly what they need and they don’t like to read lengthy articles. Blog posts that are easy to read and understand, get more visits as they are easy to digest.
The use of headings, subheadings, bullet points, and relevant visual content are some best ways to make blog posts easy to read and digest. Different font formatting features like italics, bold, or underline allow you to emphasize important points that are highlighted for readers.
4- Mention Influencers in Your Blog Posts
As influencers are persons with a huge fan following on different online platforms, you can build strong and fertile relationships with them by mentioning them in your blog posts. Making experts and leaders a part of your content helps you promote your blog content more effectively. By doing so, you can get your content in front of a massive target audience without doing anything else.
It will not only bring traffic but will also improve the conversion rate and social media shares. You can quote their posts in your articles with their names. However, be sure to let them know that you have mentioned them in your blog posts when published.
5- Sharing is a Two-way Boulevard
Let you share the content of authorities and experts in the field if you really want them to share yours. Find the bloggers, influencers, and writers in your field you respect and love to read and then keep sharing their content on your social media profiles and wherever you can. If you do it consistently, you will definitely get huge sharing of your blog posts in return.
6- Ask People to Share
Asking people to share your content or blog posts is one of the best ways to get your blog posts in front of more internet users. However, you should ask the right people for sharing in order to get your content viewed by the target audience.
Encourage fellow bloggers and writers in your field to share your posts within their social circles. Making your blog posts easy to share by adding social share buttons will also give your posts an ultimate sharing boost.
7- Share your Post Yourself
Start sharing your blog content yourself if you want other people to share as well. Create social media profiles for your brand or blog and be sure to share all your existing and new blog posts over there. Social media fans will also share your content with their friends whenever they find something interesting.
However, consistency is the key to gain content marketing success. Several social media management solutions are out there in the market that can be the right fit for you to keep sharing your blog posts automatically with zero to fewer human interactions.
Final Thoughts
Creating valuable content that engages readers and makes sharing your posts simple are the keys to increasing the number of people who share your blog posts. You can achieve this by putting these tried-and-true strategies into practice.
The secret is to remain relevant and passionate about your subjects because this will naturally resonate with your readers and encourage them to share your posts.