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Most Expensive Website Errors and How to Fix Them

Most Expensive Website Errors

Most users avoid websites that do not have a good user experience and never visit those websites again. So, it is especially important for website owners to completely fix the errors in their websites to attract more users. These errors will affect your traffic volume and decrease the overall revenue it is generating.

As a website owner, you need to identify every bug in your website and solve these errors as soon as possible to increase user experience. This helps website owners increase their website’s ranking and maintain an effective user experience. In this blog post, we will discuss the most expensive website errors and how to fix them.

Most Expensive Website Errors and How to Fix Them

1- Broken Links

Broken links affect the website the most as these decrease the website’s rankings in search engines and also affect the user experience. Webmasters must check whether the links present on their websites are broken or working fine. Here are the most common mistakes from which broken links are generated:

  • Improving the website without revising internal links.
  • Moving a specific page to another URL without deleting the previous one.
  • Referred links that are unavailable or deleted.

How to Fix Broken Links?

There are many online tools available for free to check the broken links on your website. By using these tools, you will be able to identify broken links on our websites that are no longer accessible. After identifying broken links, you remove or update these links on your website. If your website is on WordPress, then you can get help from any broken links checker plugins, and it will help you fix the broken links.

2- Low Page Speed

Low-speed URLs affect the user experience, which results in their leaving a website. This could be harmful if their users are no longer interested in a website as they face delays in loading the webpage. According to a survey, 53% of visitors do not wait for more than 3 seconds to load. Here are some of the most common reasons that cause the slow speed of webpages:

  • Images and videos on the website consume too much time to load.
  • Adopting Low-quality web hosting.
  • Too much code and scripts are included in your web pages.

How to Fix Low Page Speed?

Low-speed websites are affected in their search rankings as search engines downgrade the low-speed websites. Website owners need to take this issue seriously and take measures that help their website’s speed. To improve your website speed, you need to compress the images and video size to load the webpage faster. There are so many tools that reduce the size of the images and videos without affecting video and image quality. Improve your website code and remove unnecessary code from your website to increase the speed of your website.

3- HTTPS Errors

These errors are the most common on the website and whenever users click on the link, they cannot be able to access your website by getting error messages. Here are the error messages that users found the most on the website with the solution to fix them:

  • a. 404 Not Found Error

These errors usually occur when a specific server cannot find the URL that users want to visit. A possible reason is that the page is moved from that URL to another URL.

How to Fix 404 Not Found Error?

Create custom messages that politely suggest that users visit other related web pages on which they are interested. This will enable the user to visit other web pages of your website and also increase your site’s reputation. The other option is to make sure that your website URLs are updated with the new ones by using the 301 redirect method.

  • 500 Internal Server Error

This error message usually occurs when a server restricts the user from visiting the webpage. This happens due to surprising conditions from a server to prevent users from visiting the URL.

How to Fix 500 Internal Server Error?

There are so many problems that occur when a user faces 500 internal server errors. These causes are inefficient code on the website, server overloading, or bad server issues. These problems can be fixed by checking your server’s log messages and fixing the code. If the problems still occur, then you need to upgrade to a better hosting server.

  • 403 Forbidden Error

This error occurs due to the inappropriate restrictions on users accessing a specific website or a webpage.

How to Fix 403 Forbidden Error?

Make sure that your files and directory permissions are all set to the public and also make sure that there are no typo issues in the URL. If the user writes an incorrect website URL, then it may occur due to this.

  • 401 Unauthorized Error

These error messages occur due to the user does not have permission to visit the specified URL.

How to Fix 401 Unauthorized Error?

Check your authorization settings and make sure that these are correct. If the user enters the wrong credentials while logging in to the website, then this message occurs. Also, make sure that the website owners have granted you the right permission to access their website.

  • 504 Gateway Timeout Error

This usually occurs when a server does not get any response from the web server within a specific time limit.

How to Fix 504 Gateway Timeout Error?

This error can be triggered due to server overloading, or network problems. To resolve this issue, you can check your server log messages and configure your website’s traffic handling measures. If the issue remains, then contact your hosting provider to gain further support.

4- Inappropriate Mobile Responsiveness

Mobile responsiveness issues are created because the website is not mobile friendly, and its elements or contents are inappropriate for mobile users, and it also affects mobile users while accessing the website.

How to Fix Inappropriate Mobile Responsiveness?

These issues can be resolved by implementing a mobile-friendly website code and setting the visuals and fonts according to mobile users. Your website must be optimized with all kinds of devices whether it is desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile.

5- Security Problems

Security problems may cause data theft and information loss. This results in leaking the website’s data, login credentials, etc. which is very harmful, and hackers can easily access it if your website has security problems. Security problems include buggy code and vulnerable login details.

How to Fix Security Problems?

You can use website security scanners to detect security threats. You can adapt secure hosting servers, establish HTTPS encryption, and use complex passwords to login pages. You can also make your website secure by constantly changing passwords and avoiding causing a variety of weaknesses in your website.

Read Also: WordPress Security: 15 Ways to Keep Your Website Safe

6- SSL Certificate Problems

SSL certificates are used in websites to make a secure connection between the user and the website. SSL errors occur due to the various reasons which are described below:

  • The SSL certificate is expired and not valid for the website until it is renewed.
  • These errors occur due to the mismatch between the domain name and the SSL certificate.
  • If the SSL certificate is issued by an unofficial organization, then these errors also occur.

How to Fix SSL Certificate Problems?

To eliminate the SSL certificate errors, you must make sure that your SSL certificate is not expired. Get an SSL certificate from an official organization and make sure it is installed correctly on the website. Correct the domain name in the certificate to gain access to the website. Obtain an HTTPS connection and make sure the connection is secure between the user and the website.


A minor website error can cause a lot of harm to the website as the search engines regularly check the website’s fast speed, secure connections, and user-friendly interface. These errors can downgrade the search results in the search engine and websites can lose their reputation in the world. To make sure that these errors do not occur in the future, you need to take regular measures that are described above to maintain and increase your site’s rankings.

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