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SEO Friendly Content Writing Tips For Better Content Marketing

SEO Friendly Content Writing Tips

You may have known that content marketing is one of the best ways to drive more traffic to your website or blog. But do you know that SEO-friendly content is the key element to cultivating desired content marketing outcomes? Yes, it is.

Most of the people think that SEO-optimized content cannot be great for users. It might be when people fail to create content that appeals to search engines but is not easily readable for use. Writing both engaging and SEO-friendly content requires a bit more effort and there is a bunch of basics that need to be covered.

This article contains SEO-friendly content writing tips that can help you write content that is both user-friendly and optimized for search engines.

Do Some Keyword Research

Proper keyword research before getting started with a blog post provides you with the best keyword you can target to get more users for your blog. It is the very first step of a strong search engine optimization strategy to rank higher in search engines. You can get plenty of keyword ideas around your target keywords that are easy to rank in search engines. Monthly search volume, SEO difficulty, PPC rate, and relevancy are things to be considered while doing keyword research. Several SEO tools are accessible on the web that can make this task easier and more efficient for you.

Think Before You Write

Before you start writing, think about the message you are about to convey with your article or blog post. Think about what you want to tell your readers and how you can convey your message more effectively to keep the readers engaged. Spending some precious moments answering all these questions can help you get started in the best possible way to complete your piece with the perfect tone and words.

Make use of the LSI Keyword

It is always great to integrate LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords in a blog post-writing process. It helps the search engines to understand what exactly your content is about. The use of the LSI keyword in your content allows you to appear in more searches with different keywords. Google search and LSI graph are the best ways to find the most relevant and best-performing LSI keywords around your target keyword.

Optimize Content For SEO

Optimize Content For SEO

Utilize the basic on-page SEO techniques to optimize your content for search engines. For this purpose, you should use your target keyword in your title, meta description, tags, and article body to make it easy for search engine crawlers to understand it for ranking. The article should be lengthy with 500 to 750 words and adjust the target keyword creatively in the content to make the links natural. If you add images and other visuals often, remember to rename the images before uploading and update the image alt tag and description regularly.

Use Signal Words

The use of signal words in the content makes it easy to read and scannable too. Readers can easily scan through the content to grasp the main points. For instance, if you are writing the content with the title “3 benefits of SEO for business”, then you should be using signal words like ‘first of all’, ‘secondly’ and ‘finally’, etc. to make the content easy to scan for the readers. Surely, furthermore, indeed, and for this reason are some other signal words that can keep the users engaged with your blog posts.

Use Headings and Bullet Points

Creative use of headings structures the entire page and also makes the content well organized. The use of bullets and headings not only improves the readability but makes the content SEO-friendly as well. Headings enable search engines to grasp the main ideas and points of the content and allow the users to find the exact details or information quickly. Moreover, try to use your target keywords creatively in the headings to boost your search engine optimization for your business site or blog.

Interlink the Previous Posts

If you have plenty of well-written blog posts related to the topic you are currently writing about, remember to link those articles or blog posts in the new article by using the most relevant keywords. It makes the site navigation better to secure higher ranks in search engines. Linking your old posts in the new article also increases the page views and keeps the readers engaged with your blog. Interlinking enables the readers to find relevant content on the blog or site conveniently without spending a lot of time.


SEO-friendly content writing is essential for content marketing and boosting traffic to your website or blog. Some may think SEO optimization sacrifices user experience, however this essay underlines the link between engaging content and search engine exposure. Strategic keyword research, pre-writing considerations, LSI keywords, and optimization are stressed in the advice. Signal words, headings, bullet points, and connecting to prior entries improve readability and SEO. These methods can provide your content the optimal mix of usability and SEO.

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